FAQ & Help
Custom & Tax

Custom & Tax

1. Rito Dental will not add any taxes, VAT, or other hidden charges to your order. Buyers pay what they see on the bill when they are checking out, i.e. goods subtotal + shipping cost.

2. In most countries, you have to pay taxes or duties on importing goods. Sometimes goods under a certain value, or in certain categories are tax free.

3. The rules are different in every country. For example to USA, the tax is free or very low tax will be charged. In Europea, the tax is about 24% of the value.
    Unfortunately, we do not know all the rules of every countries. But we will try our best to work with our clients if there are any problem in the customs.

4. Normally, We ship the goods by FedEx, UPS, TNT and DHL. They will contact you for the tax/duty when the package arrive or before the package arrive. Please follow the shipping company's instructions to pay the tax.

5. Please contact us if you have any special demand for the customs invoice. We will try our best to help you avoid or reduce the TAX.