FAQ & Help
Order Tracking

How to track my order?

We will provide a tracking numbers as soon as the order is Shipped. You will recieve an e-mail from our system to your regiested e-mail address. The shipping company's tracking number will be posted also in your account page. With the tracking number, clients can enter the shipping company's official website to check the shipping status of your package.

The following are some links of express companies.

DHL:   http://www.dhl.com/en.html   

EMS: http://www.ems.com.cn

TNT: http://www.tnt.com

FedEx:  http://www.fedex.com 

UPS:  http://www.ups.com.cn

Yanwen Express:  http://www.yw56.com.cn   

Economic Air Mail :   http://www.postnl.post