Dental professionals most likely to be married

Dentist are more likely to be married compared with other professions. (Photograph: ommaphat chotirat/Shutterstock)
Jan 19, 2015 | News Americas

Dental professionals most likely to be married
by Dental Tribune International

NEW YORK, USA: According to an analysis by weekly business magazine Bloomberg Businessweek, dentist is the occupation in which people are most likely to be married. The magazine reported online that 81 percent of dentists in the U.S. are married—the highest marriage rate for any profession in the country.

Researchers at Bloomberg Businessweek used public census data and data from the American Community Survey to determine marriage and divorce rates across occupations from 1950 to 2010.

Over the past 50 years, dentist has always been among the top ten occupations in which people are most likely to be married. Since 1980, it has been listed among the top three. According to the analysis, dentists were at No. 1 in 2000 and 2010, followed by chief executives, sales managers and physicians. 

Last week, U.S. News & World Report ranked the profession of dentist first in their annual top 100 list. A considerable predicted employment growth rate, a low unemployment rate and the agreeable work–life balance in the dental profession contributed to this high ranking.