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International Expodental is fast approaching

Exhibition hall in Milan last year. (Photo: DT Italy)

2013-9-9 | News Europe

International Expodental is fast approaching
by Dental Tribune International

MILAN, Italy: From 17 to 19 October, dental companies from Italy and around the world will be presenting their latest innovations at the Fiera Milano City exhibition centre in Milan. This year, International Expodental, which is one of the most important showcases in the Italian dental industry, will be held for the 41st time.

Event attendees will have the opportunity to visit Milan, internationally known for its cosmopolitan fashion, art, culture and nightlife, while having a closer look at the Italian dental industry and research. In addition to an exhibition featuring more than 300 companies from Italy and abroad, a scientific conference dedicated to the topic of dental aesthetics will be held alongside the show. 

People interested in attending the show can register free on the International Expodental website, www.expodental.it. The catalogue of exhibitors is already available online.

Soon, participants will be able to download an app for the show, allowing them access to all the information directly on their smartphones or tablets.