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New hyaluronic matrix accelerates soft-tissue healing

The new Hyaloss matrix. (Photo courtesy of imperiOs)

2013-11-7 | Business Europe

New hyaluronic matrix accelerates soft-tissue healing
by Dental Tribune International

FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Germany: German specialist in the field of bone augmentation imperiOs has presented a new product that is based on hyaluronic acid, a substance primarily used in plastic surgery but with potential applications in dentistry. According to the company, Hyaloss matrix, a hyaluronic matrix, promotes and accelerates the healing process to a significant degree.

According to imperiOs, Hyaloss matrix is a bioactive and resorbable matrix composed of hyaluronic acid fibres and is produced through esterification of the hyaluronic acid molecule with benzyl alcohol. Once the fibres of the matrix come into contact with liquid, the matrix gelatinises and can easily be inserted into the respective bone defects, where it releases hyaluronic acid gradually.

Through activation of angiogenesis and mesenchymal stem cells, the matrix promotes regeneration processes during the first ten days after surgery in particular and thus contributes to faster healing.

According to the company, Hyaloss matrix is recommended for use in intraosseous and periodontal defects. The best results can be achieved when the matrix is mixed with autologous bone grafts, imperiOs stated. 

An advantage of the matrix is that it can be stored at room temperature and can thus be used immediately to fill defects. In smaller periodontal defects, it can even be used unmixed.