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Nobel Biocare announces new digital workflow

Hans Geiselhöringer announces a new digital workflow during a press conference at Nobel Biocare Global Symposium. (DTI/Photo Fred Michmershuizen, DTA)

2013-6-21 | Business USA

Nobel Biocare announces new digital workflow
by Dental Tribune America

NEW YORK, N.Y., USA: During its Global Symposium at the Waldorf Astoria in New York, Nobel Biocare unveiled a new, fully integrated digital workflow and a
 new regenerative product. The announcements were made June 21 by Richard Laube, CEO of Nobel Biocare, and Hans Geiselhöringer, executive vice president, global research, products & development, during a press conference.

With a strong focus on patient safety and treatment efficiency for dental professionals and their patients, Nobel Biocare is developing a seamless workflow from patient diagnostics and treatment planning to surgery and later also prosthetics — all efficiently and digitally connected through Nobel Biocare’s secure online network, NobelConnect.

The next linked steps, previewed during the symposium, continue to strongly build on the individual strengths and expertise within the treating teams, connecting NobelProcera lab technicians and NobelClinician users digitally together.

Starting with diagnostics and treatment planning in the NobelClinician Software, the highly accurate surface model obtained from the second-generation NobelProcera 2G Scanner can now be added to the scene at any stage of the treatment through a fully automated and precise smart fusion technology. This enables even better representation of intraoral tissues for diagnostics and planning. Furthermore it reduces procedural treatment costs and shortens timelines by allowing CBCT scans to already be taken at the first patient visit which offers clinicians a truly flexible way of working.

Radiographic guides, specific markers and scan protocols are no longer needed. The decision for guided surgery can be taken at any stage. Fully automated, precision-fitting surgical templates are automatically generated at the click of a button using the integrated surface scan and planned implant positions.

Next to the traditional fully guided approach, NobelGuide will now also offer options for guided pilot drilling. The decision for the position, orientation and depth of the first drill during the implant site preparation is one of the most crucial steps for a clinician. The NobelGuide pilot drill template helps to solve this challenge and yet enables clinicians to finish the surgery using their existing free hand techniques. All surgical templates can be visualized immediately in the NobelClinician Software, ordered completely online and are delivered ready to use.

The iPad-operated drilling unit, OsseoCare Pro, truly sets a smarter standard in safety and efficiency and is seamlessly linked to NobelConnect. This allows the secure transfer of digital plans from NobelClinician directly into the intelligent device for free hand surgeries or guided surgery options — all immediately and neatly documented into automated clinical reports. After the surgery, patient-specific data is exported back to NobelClinician and stored in the fully-encrypted NobelClinician file for later reference.

Running both on Windows PCs and Mac OS X, NobelClinician is continuously expanding its user base. With the recently introduced Volume Rendering technique, a patient’s anatomy can be easier evaluated before surgery. The innovative NobelClinician Communicator iPad App allows for reviewing NobelClinician plans together with the patient to better understand the proposed treatment. The app, available on the Apple App Store, focuses on increasing treatment acceptance and securely links through NobelConnect to any iPad.

A predictable restorative outcome is assured through the custom design of individualized prosthetics in the NobelProcera Software. The software is directly linked into the global network of NobelProcera production facilities for the manufacturing and delivery of functional and natural-looking dental restorations designed to last a lifetime.

New regenerative product

Nobel Biocare recently entered the field of regenerative solutions by offering a new membrane, creos xeno.protect, to selected European markets. A biodegradable collagen membrane, creos xeno.protect is for dental use in guided bone regeneration (GBR) and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) procedures. It creates a favorable environment for bone regeneration in the defect area by preventing the migration of undesired cells from the surrounding soft tissue and allowing the in-growth of osteogenic cells.

First results demonstrate excellent revascularization behavior and tissue compatibility combined with an extended barrier function. The membrane furthermore offers excellent handling properties with a minimal size increase when hydrated as well as easy repositioning and unfolding. The official launch date will be disclosed at a later date.