E4D Studio communicates wirelessly through your network with any E4D scanning system and provides a productive solution that keeps your chairside or desktop scanner scanning while the E4D Studio completes the design process. After completion, the design can be sent back to the scanning systems for verification or sent directly to the associated mill. Powerful computing power combined with a full version of DentaLogic Software provides unlimited design and communication potential.
Ideal for extra workstations, satellite offices or remote design centers. E4D Studio requires communication to a dedicated job server/mill and can only be purchased and implemented by an existing E4D Dentist or E4D Labworks owner.
E4D Studio consists of 21" monitor, CPU, E4D Skyball™ navigation, keyboard and mouse and fully licensed DentaLogic Software. And much more!
A perfect companion to the E4D Dentist or E4D Labworks Systems - see more