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Rotosonic Scalers
Rotosonic scalers

Roto pro burs - flame and perio
Roto pro burs - flame and perio

Rotosonic scalers remove calculus from the tooth by both high-speed rotation and ultrasonic vibration.

They use eight sided friction grip (FG) burs inserted into the high-speed handpiece of an air driven dental unit.



They come in two shapes - flame and perio. They are no longer in common general use in veterinary dental practice as they are prone to cause damage to the enamel, dentine and gingival tissues, unless they are used with great care. Light pressure is required, as is copious irrigation, to prevent severe enamel damage.

How It Works

Rotosonic scalers rotate at around 400,000 rpm in the high-speed handpiece and vibrate in the ultrasonic range to clear the enamel of calculus. Their main use these days is in helping to dislodge composite or cement from a tooth surface when removing an appliance or crown.

Perio roto in use on a cat
Perio roto in use on a cat


  • They can be quick and effective in experienced hands.


  • Severe damage can be caused to enamel and dentine, if not used carefully.